Available for assignment lara.ciarabellini@gmail.com


All images ©Lara Ciarabellini

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SOMNAMBULISM is a book by Lara Ciarabellini.
It discusses the change in the web of intertwining layers of the Yugoslav and Bosnian collective memory in the last decades, adding a new and personal point of view in the analysis of the aftermath of the war. Poems and texts by A Klemencic, C. Elia, D. Pora Porovic, E. Forto, F. Rolandi, P. Lowe, S. Milio, T. Novosel, S.Daupovic Fiko and archival pictures accompany the reader’s experience.

The book was nominated at deutscher fotobuchpreis 2016

The book is signed by Lara Ciarabellini

Also available at Photon Gallery in Ljubljana (Slovenia), Estudio Madalena in São Paulo (Brazil)

For any other further information or payment methods please write me at lara.ciarabellini@gmail.com